Friday, February 28, 2020

Oh, Hello there typoshpere!

My inaugural post is not the enthusiastic response to a first-machine.  That one was long ago-- a 50s Remington with a Hitchcockian bulge that got its hooks in me.  Fast forward three years, and countless hours glued to Kijiji, and I live in the shadow of a mountain of typewriters-- some few that I've honoured with a place in my "keep" pile; but many more which await a better home.   The initial gathering was definitely due to anxiety-- Once I got a sense of the value of these old machines, I quickly succumbed to the realisation that there was a finite supply.  Their precise place in history, peaking just before the paradigm of planned obsolescence, is what appealed to me most.  I felt an overwhelming obligation to save every one, with little or no thought to resale, or worth in actual currency.
But my "keep" pile grew ever more complete.  Now, I feel safe; content.  The surplus is now a weight, eating my thought & attention, and worrying my ethics-- wondering how many aspiring writers wait patiently for my horde to be freed. 
And so, this week I contacted a local seller to enquire whether he might be interested in a great stock of typewriters to supply his current and future clients.  He is interested of course (the hours of gathering he'd save!)  but now I am freaking out at the thought of letting it all go!
Have you found some balance in your collecting?  What is your comfort level in terms of number of machines?  Do you find yourself vetting buyers, hoping to assure the longevity of a typewriter you've saved from oblivion?